Hey there, I'm Delyse
The about page on any website is usually my first go to place, it’s important to know who you are looking at working with and their experience. So in brief, let me share a little about me…
My design and editing experience started organically, as a result of having so much to share with my customers when I had my health and wellbeing centre. We had so many classes, workshops and events going on that the newsletter just wasn’t sufficient any more. That’s when I taught myself design, layout, editing and created my first magazine, Living Life Well. It helped that I loved writing, and drawing on my skills and experience as a life coach, it became a great platform to share, from both myself and from my practitioners.
In creating this magazine I found my passion and loved creating beautiful design assets from a blank page – flyers, posters, workbooks, worksheets and magazines. I formalised my education by studying Graphic Design through Open Universities and added Marketing and Business Management diplomas into the mix while I was at it.
From the health centre, my experience has included editorial roles with regional magazines and newspapers, involving both curation of content and complete design layout.
Still Going!
My website experience has also been self taught and once again came from the health centre (it really was an amazing platform to develop my skill set in so many different ways!). The Centre needed a new website and after paying a small fortune for something that was clunky, cumbersome, unable to grow with the business, and relied heavily on someone I didn’t really know to make any changes, I decided enough was enough.
With the business growing so rapidly I needed a site that I could manage and maintain and that could grow with me, the site I had wasn’t going to cut it so under initial tutorial from someone who has now become a great friend, I learnt how to build sites using the Divi Theme on a WordPress platform. My world changed!
I LOVE designing websites. I love Divi, and most of all I love the fact that once I build a site, I can say to my clients, “you have full control and access”. Divi is easy to use with its front end builder, it has an enormous about of modules (different functions), and is beautiful.
As with anything we are passionate about, my experience and skill set continues to grow. I was recently called a Kikki K for hire (Kikki K is a STUNNING stationary based company led by the inspirational Kristina Karlsson – someone I so admire), so I was pretty chuffed about that compliment!
My other site, Paper Sage shares the designs I personally create using my life coach experience, and through Delight Designs I assist businesses with their marketing assets including print media, website design, media campaigns and app design.
I welcome any questions you may have about your design needs, if I can help you personally, point you in the right direction, or even just share some advice, feel free to get in touch.
Looking forward to working with you,

My favourite things
FAVOURITE PODCAST: Oh so many, but probably ‘Goal Digger’ by Jenna Kutcher
FAVOURITE FOOD: Castello creamy blue cheese!
GUILTY PLEASURE: Purchasing too many magazines!
FAVOURITE SPORT: Badminton with my son… and yoga
How we can work together…
Take a look my services
Website Design for Creative Businesses
A website is your online shop front, something to be proud of. I can help your business with that.
Bespoke Design to Build your Business
Worksheets, ebooks, calendars, planners, magazines… the possibilities are endless
App Design and Project Management
This playground is exciting. App design allows you to dream your biggest dream, propel your business forward and truly get creative.
Ready for a chat?
Let’s talk strategy, design dreams and wish lists. Let’s create a brand you adore, a business that excites you and marketing assets you LOVE!