PROJECT BRIEF: To transition the Fabric Sauce website from NOPCommerce to WordPress and Woocommerce.
A massive undertaking with over 2000 products. The site had to be user friendly, super easy to update, responsive, and of course, beautiful!
Many additions were made to the site to ensure the functionality was exactly what was required, including special delivery instructions, point of sale for physical retail, shipping dockets, gift vouchers and more.
CATEGORY: Website Design
CLIENT: Mandy Schiller, Fabric Sauce

From the moment I first spoke to Delyse about the possibility of designing me a new website, I just knew that she was the person for me.
Delyse got me from the first time we spoke and that was so important to me. I needed someone that I could communicate with easily as this was going to be a big project.
We firstly started with the rebranding of my business and choosing a logo design, from that point I watched my dream grow into the beautiful website that is today. I am just so happy with the new look and feel of the website.
Delyse listened to my likes and dislikes and she just knew exactly how to make it happen and even more importantly how to make it look pretty!
We have been live for a little under two weeks now and have already had just under 5000 Page views! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Delyse, she has been amazing!