Sharyn Hocking Naturopath Website


PROJECT BRIEF:  To create a functional, responsive website to showcase Sharyn’s services. As Sharyn offers very specialised treatments, ensuring keywords were optimised for SEO was essential when considering the website content (it always is, but we were targeting specific ailments in a very niche area).

Keeping it simple, clean and clear was the request.

CATEGORY: Website Design

CLIENT: Sharyn Hocking | Naturopath and Medical Herbalist

Sharyn Hocking Delight Designs Logo
Sharyn Hocking Delight Designs Website
Sharyn Hocking Ipad

(received after an update on original site)
Thank you for the videos you made for my site. I had been thinking about doing a free website building course through TAFE during COVID but you gave me everything I needed in a 10m min video!

Sharyn Hocking

Naturopath & Medical Herbalist