The latest from the blog
Here you will find tutorials and tips, design tricks and how-to’s, along with my musings and ponderings on spiritual business and how being a little bit of woo-woo and a little bit grounded can be pretty rewarding!
Setting Yourself Up for Success
Don't just dabble in life, design it! Goal setting has played a fundamental role in my life for a long time. I love having something to work towards, a focus, a vision, a point in the future where I can see myself standing triumphantly declaring “yes! I made it!” It’s...
4 Market Areas You Need To Know
How well do you know your ideal customer? The clearer you understand your customer and know how your customer makes decisions, why they make those decisions and what that means to you, makes your job a whole lot easier. Decisions become so much easier because you can...
Your Website Needs 5 Things to Convert
Optimise your website in 5 easy steps1. Your website needs YOU. When your prospective clients or customers land on your home page, they want to know who's behind it. Photos of you build instant connection and engagement. Don't hide behind your about page, get front...
Spiritual Business
A delightful fusion of woo-woo and commerce!Spiritual Business. Can the two go hand in hand? Spiritual & Business together? I believe they can. More than that, I believe it’s the future of ‘successful’ business. So much has been written lately on conscious...
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