A delightful fusion of woo-woo and commerce!
Spiritual Business. Can the two go hand in hand? Spiritual & Business together?
I believe they can. More than that, I believe it’s the future of ‘successful’ business. So much has been written lately on conscious leadership, and raising awareness within the workplace around personal satisfaction has been the buzz within the corporate world for at least the past decade now.
But what about independent business? Where it’s not just the latest corporate strategy for increasing productivity but a way of operating in every day life.
To me, Spiritual Business is about doing what you do with meaning, intention and love. It’s about discovering who you are within the structure of your business and using your passion to serve those around you. It’s about using the universal tools and the resources available to bring our business dreams into physical reality.
Spiritual Business is also about learning to recognize when you are in flow or out of flow. In her book, “Stepping into the Magic”, Gill Edwards refers to this as soft time or hard time. When we are living in hard time we are stressed, anxious, unhappy, complaining about work, our customers and never seem to have the time to complete what we need to do.
Soft time on the other hand, we are in the flow, synchronicities abound, the right people appear at the right time and you seem to be a magnet for opportunities, abundance and joy.
I believe that Spiritual Business is not so much about finding balance in life, so much as finding harmony.
Imagine a scale for a moment, in perfect balance. Not a whole lot is happening. It looks stable, it looks fair, it looks even, but there is no movement. No opportunity for one side to be a little heavier or lighter as the scale would immediately be out of balance.
Now imagine a jazz band, sometimes the saxophone leads, sometimes the vocalist, sometimes it’s the bass. They all get their turn in the limelight and out of this cacophony comes beautiful music.
I liken business to a jazz band. There is no balance when it comes to business! Sometimes the finances will have to take the lead, other times marketing, then a focus on service, budgets, accounting, social media plans, forecasting….. the list goes on!
Plus, within that, you need to make time for dreaming, mapping, planning, understanding where you are going and engaging the law of attraction to work in your favour. Never ending improvement and development of your skills, stress management, ensuring you are communicating effectively and efficiently…
Reminding yourself to live in soft time is the essence of Spiritual Business.
It doesn’t matter if you are an accountant, a marketing director, a real estate agent, a massage therapist, a coach or a kinesiologist, the principles of operating a spiritually based business are the same.
So how do you get there?
How do you recognise the principles of Spiritual Business and live in soft time?
I’m sure there are many options, variations and alternatives, but from my experience, this is what has worked for me:
- Connect: with yourself and your message
- Find your purpose, your meaning, your big reason WHY you are doing what you do
- Find your right tools
- Collaborate and inspire others
- Be flexible and open to change
- Offer gratitude, every day
Simple, but powerful.
Consider what you can do, or perhaps what you already do, to invite soft time in to your life as a small business owner.
What tools do you have around you to remind you that soft time is just a choice away?

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